Paul Petriffer of Funes, Italy, was presented the 27th Klussendorf-MacKenzie Award during the 51st World Dairy Expo, in memory of Duncan MacKenzie, the 1961 Klussendorf winner
Harry Papageorge of Ogden, Utah, was named the 76th winner of the Klussendorf Award, the highest recognition given to a dairy cattle showman in the United States during the 51st World Dairy Expo
Hoard's Dairyman talked with Renee Smith of My Dairy Dashboard at World Dairy Expo about this new tool that assists dairy producers by pooling all their data into one platform
There was a bit of déjà vu during the International Jersey Show at World Dairy Expo, as Musquie Iatola Martha-ET was named Grand Champion for the third year in a row
The anticipation, joy, excitement, and laughs we have shared over the years on these walks to the World Dairy Expo showring are worth more than the ribbons to me
Wisconsin 4-H, Michigan State Ag Tech, Ohio State University, and Pennsylvania FFA each won their respective divisions at the All-American Dairy Judging Contest in Harrisburg, Penn
You invest a great deal in making top quality feed. Do all that you can to see that it reaches the dairy cow in the best condition and that she consumes it